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  • Working Girl

Where are all the Hidden Jobs?

With 80% of jobs never seeing the light of a job board or online advert, who actually hears about these jobs and how can you get involved in uncovering these unknown roles? Working Girl is here to shed some light and give you a step-by-step approach to accessing the secret world of the hidden job market.

What is the Hidden Job Market?

The “hidden job market” refers to the majority of roles which are never advertised online. It is estimated that around 80% of all jobs are never promoted on job boards and instead go to people internally or are heard about via recommendations, word of mouth, social media, friends, family or via networks.

Woman whispering about the hidden job market
How are you going to hear about the 80% of jobs which are never advertised online?

Why are so many jobs hidden?

But, why don’t companies advertise everything? Wouldn’t that be more fair? To be honest, there can be a number of reasons why all roles aren’t advertised...

  1. To keep companies spend on advertising down

  2. To keep a new opening more discreet or a hiring process completely under wraps

  3. They don’t want a lengthy process or to have to go through 100’s of applications.

  4. They may want to trial referrals and recommendations in the first instance

How can you uncover the hidden jobs?

So how can you be part of this and what is the way “in” to see and hear about these roles? The answer, you need to focus more energy on building your online reputation and expanding your network with relevant people.

Woman at computer, building online network
Online networking is the key to uncovering the hidden job market.

When face-to-face intros are limited, events are off and meet-ups are few and far between, social media is the best way to get introducing yourself and creating opportunities to network. This isn’t a fast approach, but it is the best way to uncover that 80%.

First: It’s important to have done your pre-work. What are your career goals, what are your real strengths and skills, what industries appeal and what is the dream job you’re wanting to go for? This is all about working on your personal brand and getting your mission statement ready to rock!

Second: Which companies are you targeting? Make sure they have a team which will have vacancies in your specialism and location. Build out your target list of companies and start following them on social channels. Learn about them, get to know their culture and values and keep on top of what’s new with them.

Third: It’s time to build the relationship and get on their radar. Comment on their posts, share their articles, post your own relevant pieces and thoughts on their industry etc.

Fourth: Identify and contact the hiring managers. Think about how you will approach them, what’s in it for them? This isn’t about asking them for any potential vacancies they might have in the pipeline. But, it is about coming across as interested in them, their career, their company, their recent product launch etc. Introduce yourself and establish a personal connection. Let them know why are you relevant to them. And think, what is your call to action going to be?

  • An opportunity to be a relevant connection for them?

  • A telephone chat to share best practice?

  • Would they have a piece of advice for someone starting out?

  • What skill set would they say is invaluable for you to have to get into the industry?

  • Asking for a coffee chat to understand more on the company or sector?

Woman handing over CV for hidden job at coffee meeting
Establishing a strong network can open you up to exciting opportunities, which may have remained hidden!

What else can you do?

Along with establishing a strong network, what else can help unlock hidden jobs?

  • Joining and contributing to relevant groups and online forums.

  • Subscribing to industry news alerts.

  • Continuing to share inspiring and interesting content.

  • Building relationships with peers and also.

  • Keeping in touch with your key contacts.

All of these points will not only point you in the right direction for hidden jobs, but will also be invaluable in building your knowledge in your industry and specialism, establishing yourself as credible and informed and ultimately help facilitate further introductions for you.

It’s all about knowing yourself and your goals, being relevant to your network and remaining present, in order to stay front of mind when the ideal opportunities arise. So, go make the connections, build your network and start tapping into that hidden 80%!


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