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Available Online

Career Coaching Session

45-minute coaching (+ emailed tools & tips)

45 min
50 British pounds
Online Session

Service Description

Do you feel you are applying for a lot of different types of roles or maybe you are just feeling a bit overwhelmed with which direction to focus on? You might be working but the role doesn’t feel quite right and it’s time to think about a change. Or perhaps you are happy where you are and want to know more about going for a promotion, asking for a salary increase or how to move upwards in your company. Trying to work through your career journey on your own can be pretty daunting and can also limit the potential you could be reaching. By working through your values, understanding where your passions and interests lie, I can help show how your strengths and skills can feed into your career direction and identify target sectors, companies and roles which would be a strong fit for you. This session is about gaining clarity and then adopting a strategic approach to realising your career goals. Whether you are at the start of your career journey or need some advice on how to make a bigger impact in your current role, I can help create a plan with you! What to expect: - After booking in your session, you will receive some questions to complete on which aspects you are keen to focus on during your session and the areas you feel you are struggling with to ensure the session is completely tailored to your needs. - We will then arrange a 45-minute Zoom call to speak through your current situation, realise the areas you need to overcome and put a plan in place for how best to tackle this. - After the call, I will provide notes from our session with tools and tips on how to take your personal situation forward, and email these over to you within 48 hours.

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