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Available Online

LinkedIn Masterclass

1-hour coaching session (+ email review)

1 h
50 British pounds
Online Session

Service Description

The job market is a really competitive place right now and it is more important than ever to make sure you are doing everything you can to stand out and get noticed! LinkedIn is a fantastic platform to market yourself on, to uncover hidden jobs, be approached about relevant opportunities and build out a network of amazing people who can help you with your career now and in the future. But where do I start? How do I create a high-impact profile, what should I be posting about? How do I go about engaging with people which feels right for me and how much time do I need to spend on this? The LinkedIn Masterclass is here to help you work through all your questions and provide guidance on: - How to create and optimise your profile for maximum impact. - How to utilise the platform to uncover opportunities and get relevant advice. - How to identify and start building your network with the right people. - How to increase your visibility on the platform. Once you book in for a session, I will send you out some information to complete to allow me to understand more on your ideal career direction and look at your current profile. We will then spend an hour on Zoom to go over what you could be doing and putting some plans in place for taking this forward. After our session, I will write up your notes to give you structure for what to do with your profile and how to use the platform to achieve your specific goals.

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