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If you have questions on job searching, feel overwhelmed with any aspect or just don’t know where to start, Working Girl is here to help! Providing advice guidance and mindset coaching on all aspects of your job searching journey, to help you show up, stand-out and be the best version of yourself!


A new group coaching programme is just around the corner and will be launching here very soon. If you want to be contacted directly when the programme launches, drop an email to to be put on the waiting list!


Over 4-weeks, this group programme will guide you through all aspects of job searching, providing weekly group coaching and Q&A sessions as well as peer support and community, to ensure you are prepped with all the info and know-how to get started on your job search.


This programme will encompass everything a lot of that which is involved in my 1:1 coaching, in a more accessible and supportive setting.


Get in Touch
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